Sunday, November 16, 2008

What happened today!

Hi... okay... today... today went well... everybody arrived late... but that's okay... so after everybody came we went ice skating... woo~ then during ice skating i fell 5? maybe 6 times... and out of those 5-6 times, three times i injured myself... nothing serious... first i bruised my elbow... but i don't think u count that as an injury... after that i landed on my hip.. ouch.. not so bad i still could move... the worst one was my arm, i fell on it.. at first i couldn't move it but only for awhile.. so i continued skating... now... well now its only pain if i put it in certain positions... all of us fell one way or another... but nic fell badly... she bruised or twisted the knee muscle... can't walk or straighten it.... Oh yeah.... I can finally skate without holding on to the wall... YEA!

Okay after that we went for archery... that's about it...

16/11/08 9.56p.m.